Web Development

Design, Innovate, & Create

5e Website Highlights

While we think about websites as mostly being marketing and ecommerce sites, web development is in reality, a very wide category.   5 Elements Entertainment has created websites for diverse application, clients, and audience. 

For instance, the nationwide corporation Carepatrol needed a marketing referral website to support their contractor/advisors. 5 Element's production team created a marketing/referral site that creates a simple easy to use interface for potential clients, but also an extensive marketing platform for their advisors.

5e has also worked with companies to create web apps for a variety of application. 

Fox Sports came to us to create an HTML5 re-imagining of live sports viewing for fans that want to see live content in a more statistical way.  We consumed extensive live data in real time to create animations of the action with visual statistics for a variety of sports including NFL/NCAA football and UFC. 

These projects, embedded into Fox Sport's main web experience have attracted millions of views. From evaluation, to design, creation, testing, deployment, and after deployment support, 5 Elements creates compelling customer and business focused experiences built on the latest web technologies. 

Whether you are a local business or an international corporation, contact us today, we can help.

Anthony Hopkins Art
Anthony Hopkins Art
5e helped one of the most accomplished actors of our age to show and promote his compelling art. The site is both a digital gallery and retail store, helping to take orders and manage inventory.
Launched 11/5/17
Anthony Hopkins Art
The Immortal Actor and Painter
Thunder Gaming
Thunder Gaming
Our ongoing client Thunder Studios started a new business segment. An Agnostic Esports Center with live broadcast and production services as well as some really cool social tech. They needed a site up quickly that matched the brand. We used our custom Thunder Studios site theme and had this beautiful site up in just a couple week. Client is pleased!
Thunder Studios
Launched 6/23/18
Thunder Gaming
Esports Center and Production Complex
Pursuit Systems
Pursuit Systems
Pursuit systems wanted their information at a potential client's fingertips. Pictures, description, stats, etc. in an interactive and beautiful form. 5e created this 'from scratch' site, customizing every gorgeous detail while allowing the client to edit their own complex data. Sometimes data CAN be sexy!
Pursuit Systems
Pursuit Systems
Leading Motion Picture Auto Filming Equipment
VREAL is another fully customized WordPress site that focuses on style and information. The site includes several unique and complex elements like the VR glasses style home page, that mouses over to give the feeling of looking into VR glasses. At its heart we created a social network for 2d versions of an influencers VR session.
VR recording and video creator
Align Fitness By Allie
Align Fitness By Allie
Allie needed her video courses on her site and wanted it to look like it was built into her site.. not some slapped on Plug In experience. 5e built both custom design and custom features, allowing her to serve her clients right on the site.
Align Fitness
Align Fitness By Allie
Dance Fitness and Technique Instructor
As more publicity around this automotive innovator has taken hold, Felix Holst at Hackrod really needed help getting their site to the next level. 5e is always right there to help grow their web presence.
Launched 2/15/18
3d Printed Sports Car
Screechers Wild
Screechers Wild
5e worked with toy company Alpha Group on their original IP Screechers Wild. We created designs and built the site in advance of the toy debut and show premiere. An excellent start to 2018!
Alpha Group
Launched 1/5/18
Screechers Wild
A Beautiful Site for a Toy/Animated Show
A premiere site for finding care for loved ones. 5e worked with our strategic partner Pixl to this top to bottom custom built powerful site.
Launched 1/22/18
Safer Senior Living
The Benefits Of Wen
The Benefits Of Wen
5e designed and developed this animated story for Guthy-Renker and Chaz Dean. Its aim was to capture the aesthetic of Audrey Kawasaki and place it into a site that brings users through the strengths and benefits of this popular brand.
In Development
The Benefits Of Wen
A Unique Narrative Scroller
Pac Pro Football
Pac Pro Football
Created by legendary sports agent, Don Yee, Pac Pro is poised to a address some of the biggest challenges of both the NFL and young up-and-coming players. Backed by some of the biggest names in Football, the Pac Pro Football website is the front door to an incredible endeavor.
Pac Pro Football
Pac Pro Football
The New NFL Development League
Allen's Flower Market
Allen's Flower Market
We partnered with Allen's Flowers to create a new industry CMS that focuses on Multi-Location/Store support, a complex flower delivery matrix and holiday blockout feature. Using Magento 2 as a base, we custom made this gorgeous marketing powerhouse that has already seen massive growth for Allen's
Allen's Flower Market
Allen's Flower Market
Best Florist in Los Angeles and Long Beach
Brandwood Global
Brandwood Global
Our partner needed a simple site to show their gamechanging B2B ad tech product offerings.
Brandwood Global
Launched 2/15/18
Brandwood Global
Overview of BwG's Product Offering
GK Media
GK Media
Gk needed a quick update to their site. This theme site presents their marketing material in a appealing and concise way. It was a great way for them to do a refresh without a ton of customization. The results are fantastic.
GK Media
GK Media
Long Beach's Premiere SEO/Digital Marketing Company
Epicurist needed a simple design with a complex purchase flow with different prices for retail clients and physician clients, who also needed an authenticated application process. 5e delivered.
Epicurist Pharmacy
Launched 2/14/18
Redifining Beauty Through Health
Thunder Studios
Thunder Studios
Thunder Studios is a premiere studio rental facility with 20 stages, production offices, and top equipment rentals in Long Beach, CA.
Thunder Studios
In Development
Thunder Studios
Fully Integrated Production Studio
Beauty Bio
Beauty Bio
The first and only doctor-developed anti-aging skin care system that combines the miracle molecule, R45® with Titration Therapy®. Delivers increasing concentrations of clinical grade ingredients, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin.
In Development
Beauty Bio
Reducing Wrinkles 50% in 45 days!
Thunder Studios Broadcasting
Thunder Studios Broadcasting
Our beautiful custom made Thunder Studios theme has another life with the launch of Thunder Studios Broadcasting site. Focused on Thunder's mobile production and broadcast stages, and production services, TSB offers soup to nuts production and by utilizing a number of specific customizations, 5e helped bring this new business segment to life while maintaining band integrity.
Thunder Studios
Thunder Studios Broadcasting
Mobile production, broadcast set, and fly pack rentals
MJA Advertising
MJA Advertising
MJA had an existing SquareSpace CMS based site. They needed updates with functionality not available on that platform. 5e came in and custom coded a long term solution for them, allowing them to continue their current buisness Development plans.
MJA Advertising Los Angeles
MJA Advertising
LA Based Branding & Marketing Firm
Dave Mullen
Dave Mullen
Dave Mullen is one of the premiere saxophone players in NYC. His site is both a calling card and marketing tool for gig dates and CD sales. We helped Dave put together a great site based on the design he requested.
Dave Mullen
Dave Mullen
A-list NYC Jazz Saxophone
Umaya Ramen
Umaya Ramen
This is a great and popular noodle spot. Site by 5e
Umaya Ramen
Umaya Ramen
Best Ramen In Cerritos
Fischer Custom Connectors
Fischer Custom Connectors
When Fischer came to 5e, they had massive problems when it came to their site. The site's pages were taking 10 to 12 secs to load, we reduced that to 3 to 4 secs. With mriad other problems, we continue to work with this excellent company in fixing, maintaining , and developing new site features.
MJA Advertising Los Angeles
Fischer Custom Connectors
Industry Leader In Electronic Testing Equipment
Eric Speier, Veteran composer and 5e partner needed a site for his composition services. He of course came to 5e where he built a new awesome to showcase his composition and breadth of work.
Speier Music Productions
Composer for Film, TV and Games
Web Development - Design For Maximum Return On Investment